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School Directory

1 2 > showing 1 - 30 of 60 constituents

Julie Boyle

Administrative Assistant for Elementary School
Roosevelt Elementary School
Roosevelt: 309-743-8470

Jadelyn Agent

Sub Teach Prem
Roosevelt Elementary School
Roosevelt: 309-743-1617

Christine Ballard

Grade Kindergarten
Roosevelt Elementary School
Roosevelt: 309-743-8486

Sarah Benson

Para Extra Duty/Subbing
Roosevelt Elementary School
Roosevelt: 309-743-1617

Alexa Berkland

Grade Kindergarten
Roosevelt Elementary School
Roosevelt: 309-743-8488

Kerri Boehle

Lunchroom Aide
Roosevelt Elementary School
Roosevelt: 309-743-1617

Theresa Bowman

Special Ed Para
Roosevelt Elementary School
Roosevelt: 309-743-8493

Charles Brooke

Sub Teacher
Roosevelt Elementary School, Willard Elementary School
Roosevelt: 309-743-8499
Willard: 309-743-8572

Jessica Brotherton

Health Professional RN
Roosevelt Elementary School
Roosevelt: 309-743-8473

Jennifer Burrill

Special Ed Para
Roosevelt Elementary School
Roosevelt: 309-743-8494

Brenda Bussard

Roosevelt Elementary School
Roosevelt: 309-743-8472

Heidi Campbell

Special Ed Para
Roosevelt Elementary School
Roosevelt: 309-743-8475

Lydia Chappell

Special Ed Para
Roosevelt Elementary School
Roosevelt: 309-743-8475

Jerilyn Clark

Cross Categorical
Roosevelt Elementary School
Roosevelt: 309-743-8475

Raquel Cross

Grade 2
Roosevelt Elementary School
Roosevelt: 309-743-8500

Ashley Dodson

Elementary Counselor
Roosevelt Elementary School
Roosevelt: 309-743-8484

Grace Dudley

Grade 1
Roosevelt Elementary School
Roosevelt: 309-743-8489

Tina Durham

Custodian/Maintenance Overtime
Roosevelt Elementary School
Roosevelt: 309-743-1617

Christina Ferreri

Grade Kindergarten
Roosevelt Elementary School
Roosevelt: 309-743-8487

Jamie Fetty Ward

Library/Media Personnel
Bicentennial Elementary School, Roosevelt Elementary School, Willard Elementary School
Bicentennial: 309-743-8464
Roosevelt: 309-743-8492
Willard: 309-743-8570

Ali Fiems

Grade 5
Roosevelt Elementary School
Roosevelt: 309-743-8482

Rachel Frazee

INT Certified Hourly Instructor
Roosevelt Elementary School
Roosevelt: 309-743-8507

Christina Freeman

Adapted Physical Education
Moline High School, Logan Elementary School, Roosevelt Elementary School, Washington Elementary School, Wilson Middle School
Washington: 309-743-1619
Roosevelt: 309-743-1617
Wilson: 309-743-1623
Moline High School: 309-743-1624
Logan: 309-743-1613

Dana Griffin

Special Ed Para
Roosevelt Elementary School
Roosevelt: 309-743-8493

Deborah Harris

Digital Learning Support Assistant
Roosevelt Elementary School
Roosevelt: 309-743-8506

Corey Henderson

District ML Specialist
Roosevelt Elementary School
Roosevelt: 309-743-8502

Nicole Herbst

Grade 1
Roosevelt Elementary School
Roosevelt: 309-743-8490

Julie Holman

Reading/ Math Interventionist
Roosevelt Elementary School
Roosevelt: 309-743-8507

Randall Jasper

Custodial Lead person Elementary School
Roosevelt Elementary School
Roosevelt: 309-743-8508

Alicia Johnson

Elementary Building Supervisor
Roosevelt Elementary School
Roosevelt: 309-743-8471
1 2 > showing 1 - 30 of 60 constituents